shavua tov
i enjoyed the shiur. i am learning the gemara in shabbos with firends and it helped me prepare for it.
i was looking for the maharsha who asked about צלפחד לשם שמים נתכוון and that if so what he did was actually a מלאכה שאינה צריכה לגופה. i couldnt find it in shabbos or sanhedrin.
i realize this shiur is from over 10 years ago but maybe you can point me in the direction of where ot look.
thanks...and יישר כוח!!
avraham friedman
shavua tov
i enjoyed the shiur. i am learning the gemara in shabbos with firends and it helped me prepare for it.
i was looking for the maharsha who asked about צלפחד לשם שמים נתכוון and that if so what he did was actually a מלאכה שאינה צריכה לגופה. i couldnt find it in shabbos or sanhedrin.
i realize this shiur is from over 10 years ago but maybe you can point me in the direction of where ot look.
thanks...and יישר כוח!!
avraham friedman
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by Francine Lashinsky and Dr. Alexander & Meryl Weingartenin memory ofDr. Alvin M. Lashinsky, Avraham Moshe ben Meir Hakohen, z"l on the occasion of his yahrzeit on the 19th of Kislev, and in honor of their children, Mark, Michael, Julie, Marnie and Michelle, and in honor of Agam bat Meirav Berger and all of the other hostages and all of the chayalim
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Author: allan friedman
shavua tov i enjoyed the shiur. i am learning the gemara in shabbos with firends and it helped me prepare for it. i was looking for the maharsha who asked about צלפחד לשם שמים נתכוון and that if so what he did was actually a מלאכה שאינה צריכה לגופה. i couldnt find it in shabbos or sanhedrin. i realize this shiur is from over 10 years ago but maybe you can point me in the direction of where ot look. thanks...and יישר כוח!! avraham friedman
Author: allan friedman
shavua tov i enjoyed the shiur. i am learning the gemara in shabbos with firends and it helped me prepare for it. i was looking for the maharsha who asked about צלפחד לשם שמים נתכוון and that if so what he did was actually a מלאכה שאינה צריכה לגופה. i couldnt find it in shabbos or sanhedrin. i realize this shiur is from over 10 years ago but maybe you can point me in the direction of where ot look. thanks...and יישר כוח!! avraham friedman